这是一种我们将函数作为 props 传递给子组件的情况。
import react, { usecallback, usestate } from "react";import child from "./child";const example = () => { console.log("parent render"); const [counta, setcounta] = usestate(0); const [countb, setcountb] = usestate(0); const clickhandler = () => { setcountb((pre) => pre + 1); }; return ( <div classname="parent"> <div> <h3>parent component</h3> <div> <button onclick="{()"> { setcounta((pre) => pre + 1); }} > button a </button> <span>update parent component</span> </div> </div> <div> <p>the count of click button a:{counta}</p> </div> <child countb="{countb}" onclick="{clickhandler}"></child></div> );};export default example;登录后复制・src/child.js
import { memo } from "react";const childmemo = memo(({ countb, onclick }) => { console.log("%cchild render", "color: red;"); return ( <div classname="child"> <h2>child component</h2> <div> <button onclick="{onclick}">button b</button> <span>uodate child component</span> </div> <span>the count of click button b :{countb}</span> </div> );});export default childmemo;登录后复制子组件重新渲染的原因是因为src/example.js中的clickhandler函数 const clickhandler = () => { setcountb((pre) => pre + 1); };登录后复制此函数作为 onclick 属性传递给子组件。 <child countb="{countb}" onclick="{clickhandler}"></child>登录后复制如果我们用 usecallback 包装子组件,我们可以避免这种情况。 const clickHandler = useCallback(() => { setCountB((pre) => pre + 1); }, []);登录后复制以上就是React Basics~Render Performance/ useCallback的详细内容!